This section will describe the requirements that SafeSpace project has
System and database
FR01: The system must store into a database all the data about the customer flow inside the establishment
FR02: The system must measure the customer temperature to allow the entry
FR03: The system shall recognize customer face
FR04: The system must detect the presence of mask
FR05: The system must allow or not the entrance of one specific customer
FR06: The system shall have database connection
FR07: The system must turn off in emergencial situations
NFR01: The system should use mongoDB database
NF02: The facial recognition algorithm shoul be implemented in Python
NF03: The memory consumption shouldn't be greater than 4GB
NF04: The hardware must have mobile and facial recognition algorithm integration
FR01: The app shall have one register page for enterprises
FR02: The app must have the feature for setting the number of simultant customer and the maximum temperature allows inside the establishment
FR03: The app must show the number of customers inside the establishment in real time
FR04: The app shall inform the average of temperature of all the customers that already come into the establishment​​
NFR01: The app shall be implemented in Swift language
NFR02: The app must run in iOS plataform
FR01: The alcohol container must be activated when the user places his hand in front of the sensor
NFR01: The container's maximum capacity must be 500 ml
NF02: The distance between the user's hand and the sensor must be lower than 30 cm